Pro-Rated Membership Fees:
When new members start after the first of the year, their first year’s membership fee is to be pro-rated based on the amount of time left in the year. The membership cost will be calculated on a quartly basis.
Pro-Rated membership rates are only applicable to new members. The initiation fee is not pro-rated.
The only time when the initiation fee is waived for a new member is when they are a legacy of an existing Sportsmen member. A Legacy would be their son, daughter, step-son, step-daughter, grandchild, mother or father.
Lapsed Renewals:
When a current member lets their membership lapse, upon reapplying for membership, he/she will be assessed a late fee charge of $25. This late fee charge will apply to absences of upto 5-years. Former members whose membership dues have not been paid for more than 5-years will be required to pay the full initiation fee in effect at the time of reapplying. Reguardless of length of absence, the returning member must also pay full membership dues for the year that he/she rejoins the club.
Membership Changes:
A member may change among various membership types by paying the difference (membership and initiation cost) between their current membership type and the desired membership type. There will be no refunds for members who are moving down in membership